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Dr.Beat Rolf.Widmer
Dr.Beat Rolf.Widmer向TA咨询
上海TSK齿科医师 访问:204694次

医生技术 ★★★★★

服务态度 ★★★★★

Dr.Beat Rolf.Widmer (瑞士)


瑞士籍医生Beat Widmer是著名的儿童牙科和正畸医生,拥有超过三十年的治疗经验,无论在正畸的新型材料运用和创新治疗技术上都积累了丰富的成功经验:如给儿童佩戴Invisalign隐形牙齿矫正器,可更好地帮助儿童在矫正过程中保持口腔健康,预防龋齿等疾病;在舌侧正畸方面,Dr.Widmer采用世界顶级的德国3M Incognito技术,目前已成功完成超过1000例治疗。
Dr.Beat Widmer充分掌握儿童心理,擅长与儿童沟通,能在轻松的氛围中顺利完成儿童牙病治疗,有效解决儿童不愿配合治疗的问题。在格维诊所就可以同等体验到瑞士医生的就诊医疗服务,Dr.Beat Widmer将是您及您孩子进行牙齿治疗的最佳选择。


资质 Specialisation

Specialisation in Orthodontics ( SSO )   1987

Specialisation in Paedondontics ( SVK ) 2005

Certificate in Incognito fixation             2009

Certificate in Orthocap (Korea)     April 2010

行业协会 Affiliations and Profession Associations Memberships

Swiss Dental Society ( SSO )                                    瑞士牙科协会

Swiss Society of Orthodontist ( SGK )                     瑞士牙齿矫正医师协会

Insurance Board for Orthodontist ( SSO )               牙齿矫正医师保险委员会

Swiss Society of Paediatric Dentistry ( SVK )           瑞士儿科牙科协会

International Association of Paediatric Dentistry    国际儿科牙科协会

European Association of Paediatric Dentistry          欧洲儿科牙科协会

International Association of Dental Traumatology  国际牙科协会创伤学

Board of Specialisation for Paediatric Dentistry       儿童齿科专业委员会

Dr. Beat Rolf. Widmer (SWISS)

Orthodontic & Pediatric Specialist OF TSK DENTAL GREENWAY CLINIC

Major Categories: Orthodontic

DMD from University of Zurich

President of The Stomatology School in University of Basel

Member of Swiss Association of Orthodontists

Member of International Dental Trauma Association

Dr. Widmer is a well respect dentist who specialized in Orthodontic and Pediatric dentistry with over 30 years of practical experience. As a top orthodontics specialist, Dr. Widmer continues to bring latest dental technologies to his patients. Dr.Widmer is one of few certified dentists to applying 3M Incognito system for lingual treatment globally. Dr. Widmer is amiable, good at communicating with children and has rich clinical experience so that he can quickly break through the language barrier with children.
Languages:German: Mother tongue; English: Fluent (written and spoken);French: Fluent(Written and spoken); Italina: Fluent


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