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春天医院口腔科主任 毕业于兰州大学口腔医学系,曾赴第四军医大学口腔医学院、兰州医学院附属口腔医院进修数次。从事口腔专业近二十年,擅长种植牙、牙列不齐、上颌前突、下颌前突的矫正、牙髓病、根尖周病、牙周病的治疗;复杂牙的拔除及牙槽部的各类小手术;制作精美逼真的烤瓷牙及牙齿的美容。曾多次参加国内的口腔学术会并有多篇论文在国内杂志上发表。
Zhao Xufeng---attending physician of stomatology, graduated from Lanzhou Medical College.Took advanced study in the stamotology college of the Fourth Military University and Lanzhou Medical College Dental Hospital.  Has 20 years experiences in stomatology. Good at planting,repairing irregular-array teeth, dental pulp diseases,prodontosis and unfavourable intermaxillary relationship with orthognathic surgery. Good at removing folded teeth and gnathic surgery.Skilled at beautifying tooth and making Crowns. Participated in many national stomatology academic exchange and published many articles in national or provincial publications.


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