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口腔科主治医师 访问:36370次

医生技术 ★★★★★

服务态度 ★★★★★

李莉 毕业于贵阳医学院,从事口腔临床工作十年,在长期的临床实践中积累了丰富的经验,擅长于牙齿排列不齐、四环素牙、氟斑牙,精镶烤瓷牙等牙齿美容技术,特别是CERC 3D全瓷冠,瓷嵌体,瓷贴面有独到之处。熟练掌握蛀齿、显微根管、牙龈、牙周病等的诊治,工作认真,对患者高度负责,深得患者的信任,在专业杂志上发表过多篇文章。

LiLi---Graduated from GuiYang medical college. Engaged in oral clinic about 10 years. She has great clinical experiences and skilled technology to deal with dental gum and pulp diseases. She is good at Cosmetic Correction of teeth and responsible for patients. Good at with missing teeth, tetracycline teeth, dental fluorosis, refined inlaid teeth and other dental porcelain beauty technology, CERC 3D especially all-ceramic crowns, porcelain inlay, porcelain veneer method. After mastering the amount of tooth, microscopic root canals, gum, gum disease and other treatment work seriously, and patients are highly responsible, highly popular with the trust, in the professional journal published numerous articles.


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