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口腔科主治医师 访问:36373次

医生技术 ★★★★★

服务态度 ★★★★★

卫衍加 口腔科主治医师,毕业于同济医科大学。从事口腔临床15年,对口腔的常见病、多发病的诊断和治疗有丰富的临床经验,尤其对牙齿美容修复、烤瓷固定牙、局部可摘义齿、精密附件及套筒冠的修复有着深厚的美学基础,见解独到。擅长残根、残冠保存治疗及修复;近几年来,不断进修学习和研究口腔种植领域的新动态、新进展。成功开展百余例牙种植术,深得患者好评。曾在专业杂志上发表论文数篇。

Wei Yanjia--Attending physician of stomatology centre. He graduated from Tongji Medical University and has engaged in stomatology over 15 years. He has great experiences in the treatment of common oral diseases and multiple diseases, especially has deep aesthetic knowledge in tooth repair, Crowns fixation, false tooth repair. He is good at tooth repair for tooth loss, tooth fracture and irregular tooth. He persists in new research and study of tooth implantation and has successfully performed hundreds of tooth implantations. He has published many articles on special magazines.


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