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主治医生 访问:42051次

医生技术 ★★★★★

服务态度 ★★★★★

陈颖医生—善爱齿口腔 主治医生
1993年毕业于上海第二医科大学{现交通大学医学院}口腔医学系,曾在古北和徐家汇等高档齿科工作,在接待高档人群方面有良好的基础,包括国内客户和国 外客户。有扎实的口腔内科和口腔修复的基础,包括成人治疗和儿童齿科的治疗。有近10年正畸工作经验,技术全面,能为患者尤其是复杂病例制定全面合理的治 疗计划并实施,对工作认真负责,在业务上严格要求自己,遵守操作规程,主张从患者实际情况出发,与患者充分沟通,了解患者的需求,提供合理的齿科治疗计 划。
Dr. Chen graduated from the department of dentistry of Shanghai Second Medical College {presently Jiaotong University Medical School}. She has gained solid experience in the treatment of clients from various backgrounds, including domestic and overseas customers, working for almost 10 years in upscale dental clinics in Gubei and Xujiahui. Her specialism includes oral medicine, oral cavity repair and child dental treatment as well as 10 years working experience as an orthodontist. Her comprehensive technology and perfect communication skills allow her to successfully handle complicated dental cases.
She shows respect to her clients by fully understanding their demands and dedicating herself to dentistry- the career that she loves and made vows for on her graduation ceremony.
She recognizes that every patient has different needs, and she prides herself in the courteous service she delivers to each person that walks through the door. Whether you're an adult, adolescent or child, Dr. Chen is committed to helping you achieve the smile you deserve - a healthy, beautiful one!


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