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在高档诊所有丰富的工作经验,在接待高档客人群方面有良好的基础,包括国内客户和国外客户,有扎实的口腔内科基础,擅长口内的治疗,包括成人治疗和儿 童齿科的治疗,在牙齿美容修复方面有丰富的积累,有学习了矫正,技术全面,能为患者尤其是复杂病例制定全面合理的治疗计划并实施,对工作认真负责,在业务 上严格要求自己,遵守操作规程,对工作有积极的态度。合同事友好相处,虚心向特长医生求教,努力的不断提高自身技术,敞开思想与其他医生交流,不保守,不 张扬,具有良好的团队合作精神。
Dr.bai, who graduated from ShanXi Medical University in 1992,and after 5-yrs of university study I have been working for 16yrs in dental clinically with abundant working experience.After graduation, working in government hospital of one-division for 9yrs,and qualified with doctor-in-charge.2001-2003 working as general dentist under license in KSA Taif dental center and won good reputation. After returning back, worked in high ranked private dental clinic in Beijing and ShangHai for yrs and had treated many pts including local and foreigners with smooth communication in English and Arabic language. I had taken –advanced—orthodontics study for one year,. To reach all-round dental treatment .According to each case ,I design proper treatment plan based on careful check and carry it out reach your wanted out come under your kind cooperation! Professionally, good all types of mal-occlusion ortho-treatment after all-round examination, much experienced in teeth esthetic with nature-colored veneer or crown, for tooth restoration, inlay/onlay and root canal therapy is well done with high responsibility. perio-dental work is also part of my work to keep your teeth health. I love my job, and love my pts, my wish is not only to be your dentist, but also your friend.


上一篇:王风 下一篇:郭浩
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