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(三级甲等医院  全国百姓放心示范医院  社保定点医院  公务员体检定点医院)

    东 莞东华医院是一所现代化综合医院,占地面积150亩,总投资8.4亿元人民币。医院门急诊每天能接纳6000人次就诊,住院大楼可容纳约1100张标准病 床,目前实际开放病床1080张。医院设有26个住院病区、15个医技科室以及6个门急诊单元(中心门急诊、旗峰门急诊、上桥门诊、学校门诊)以及1个旗 峰分院。

医 院现有专业技术人员1300多人,其中正高45人、副高150人、硕士约90人、博士5人、博士后1人、硕士研究生导师6人。同时,医院投资近3亿元人民 币,引进了包括PET/CT、直线加速器(clinac2300 c/d)、西门子模拟定位机、64排螺旋CT、核磁共振成像系统(INTERA l.5T)等在内的大型医疗设备70多台(套),为保障医疗质量与安全、不断提高技术水平,奠定了良好的基础。
高起点、高标准、高质量的 办院方针,在不断提高服务质量和常见病、多发病的诊治水平的基础上,充分利用人才、设备和技术优势,加强专科专病建设,发展重点学科。心血管内科、妇科、 产科、新生儿科、儿科、骨科、消化内科、肾内科等已经成为具有较强实力的学科。目前医院开展的主要技术项目有:外周血自体干细胞移植治疗肿瘤技术、64 排螺旋CT三维重建诊断技术、地贫基因监测诊断技术、寰枢半脱位固定术、胰岛细胞瘤切除术、心脏介入、体外循环、脑干肿瘤切除、肾移植、前列腺汽化电切、 断指再造、关节置换、胰头癌根治、输卵管介入再通术、极低出生体重儿的救治、漂浮导管血液动力学检查、危重病人监护与抢救等达到省级医院水平,腹腔镜、胸 腔镜、椎间盘镜、关节镜、经皮肾镜、输尿管镜、消化内镜等各类微创技术在本地区有较大影响。医院十分重视学术水平的提高,建院以来,获得厅、市级科研课题 立项115项,22项科研成果获得东莞市科技进步奖,共发表论文近1080余篇。2004年至今,我院心内科、烧伤整形科和肾内科、骨科、手外科、皮肤科 先后被正式批准为中山大学心血管、烧伤整形和肾脏病、骨科和手外科专业、皮肤科硕士学位培养点,2005年起招收了第一届研究生。
东华医院一贯秉承病人第一、质量第一、信誉第一的办院宗旨,奉行接一位病人、献一份爱心的服务格言,在业务不断发展的同时,经济效益和社会效益也得到同步增长。医院为东莞市医保定点医院,东莞市公务员健康体检定点医院。1996年10月,医院获东莞市委、市政府授予的社会公德先进集体称号;2003 年,医院作为全国民营医院的典型代表之一,医院院长被评为2002 年度全国优秀院长并受到表彰;2001-2004 年,顺利通过了由中华医院管理学会发起的推荐全国百姓放心医院三个主题的创建活动的评审,成为全国首批"百姓放心示范医院"。2005 年8月,经有关部门评审,医院正式成为中山大学附属东华医院。2006 年11月,医院荣获中国医院协会颁发的大医精诚先进集体称号,2007年2月,我院获得全国诚信民营医院荣誉称号。2008年3月,获东莞市委、市政府颁发的东莞市文化建设标兵医院称 号。2009年,分别获得东莞市卫生局颁发的“2008年度东莞市医院管理一等奖”和“2008年度社会保险定点先进单位”称号。2010年1月,我院荣 获中华医院管理协会常务理事单位。今年2月,医院再次荣获市卫生局颁发的“2009年度东莞市医院管理一等奖”荣誉称号。2011年2月,我院分别荣获东 莞市卫生局安全输血管理、院感管理和预防保健管理一等奖称号。2011年,医院顺利通过评审,并成为“三级甲等医院”。
建 院多年来,先后承担抗洪抢险、非典防治、抗震救灾等公共卫生救助任务。医院荣获广东省第一家大型中外合资综合性医院、全国百姓放心示范医院、大医精诚先进 集体等荣誉称号。医院是中国医院协会常务理事单位,中国民营医院分会副会长单位,广东省医院协会民营医疗机构分会主任委员单位,东莞市医院协会民营医院分 会会长单位。是全国民营医院中业务量最大,综合效益最好的民营医院。
 Dongguan Tungwah Hospital is a large modern polyclinic hospital with 113 mu land area and 840 million yuan total investment.The hospital opens 1006 hospital beds and sets up 26 clinical wards, 15 laboratorys,6 emergency units and 1 branch hospital. The hospital is no-governmental ran with the best comprehensive benefit in China.
        The hospital has 1218 professional or technical persons.There are 56 professors,160 associate professors,5 doctors,98 post-graduates and 6 postgraduate tutors.The hospital allocates more than 200 large medical devices such as PET/CT, linear accerator,64-row spiral CT,1.5T MRI and 1000m ADSA.These devices have brought  about a striking effect of the improving the medical quality, ensuring  the patient’s safety, advancing  the technical levels.
        The hospital make a special effort to develop specialty and to consolidate key subjects in accordance with “the high starting point, high standard and high quality”. The Hospital has one national clinical key department and three key and characteristicdepartment of Dongguan Municipal Social Secyrity Departmentat at the present time. And more than six departments participate in the key and characteristic department appraisal of Dongguan Municipal Health Bureau. Many technological items that the hospital undertakes, for example, cardiac intervention, extracorporeal circulation, cavity reflector technology , micro injury operation under endoscope, radical  operative treatment of pancreatic head cancer , replantation of severed finger, autologous stem cell transplant and treatment of critical illness,  have reached the Guangdong provincial hospital  level . The Digestive Department , Vasculocardiology Department, Intensive Care Unit , Maternity Department , Urology Surgery and Nephrology Department have become strong departments . The hospital emphasizes the development of medical academic levels. The hospital has been awarded 115 cases of departmental and municipal research subjects projects, 22 cases of Prizes for Progress in Science and Technology of Dongguan City and published over 1100 essays since the hospital were founded . Tungwah hospital has became the training ground of clinical post-graduates of Zhongshan Universities since 2005, and at present time the hospital has  six training points for master’s degree .2011, the hospital through the "hospitals of" assessment, smooth as "top three" hospitals.
        The hospital has been enthusiastic in culture and public welfare affairs. It has contributed to such public health rescue processes, such as, fighting floods and providing disaster relief, preventing SARS and earthquake relief. The hospital got the honor titles of the People assured National Model Hospital, Respected doctor with professional excellent skills, and cultural construction model hospital . The hospital is the administrative council unit of Chinese Medical Association, the vice chairman unit of private

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