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    U-Family Dental 面向对自己口腔健康、美观要求比较高的人士,提供高标准的口腔保健治疗服务。诊所位于南山区西海明珠花园商业街,交通便利,环境优雅,驾车可直达诊所前宽阔的停车坪。


    U-Family Dental 立足于未来, 推崇精益求精、自由豁达的诊所文化,永远充满着生机与活力,确保以先进的精湛技术、最新的观念,最大程度上满足顾客的愿望。 
    U-Family Dental clinic is committed to offering you a painless dental treatment in a family style atmosphere where we can create your better smile in a relaxed and smoothing procedure.

    Oral treatments including Dental Implants, Cosmetic Dentistry such as Tooth Whitening and Dental Veneer, Orthodontics and other general practices with the most modern dental equipment.

    With its unique and top quality services, the U-Family Dental Clinic is expected to bring you more happiness!

    ( Free parking available.)

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